October 1, 2023

Phantom Excited to Join Holaplex and MONMONMON

In an exciting development for digital collectibles enthusiasts and collectors, Phantom Wallet tweeted about their work with Holaplex and MONMONMON to offer what they describe as the "best wallet experience for collectors."

10,000 Eyes on MONMONMON

The announcement, which has garnered over 10,000 views, highlights the wallet's features geared towards collectors and users interested in the digital collectibles space. This is a significant move for MONMONMON, a project dedicated to creating unique and powerful tattoo monsters, each with its own set of abilities and characteristics.

Phantom Tweet

Collecting: The Heart of Digital Collectibles

"Collecting has always been our favorite part," says Phantom in their tweet about digital collectibles. This ethos aligns perfectly with MONMONMON's goal of offering unique digital assets that not only serve as collectibles but also offer a range of utilities and functionalities.

Control Your Destiny

Holaplex's involvement in this partnership is notable for their philosophy of "Control Your Destiny." From the get-go, Holaplex has focused on empowering creators, businesses, and users by creating new experiences with TRUE ownership. This partnership aims to further that cause by providing a seamless and enriching experience for collectors.

Exclusive Offers

The collaboration comes with exclusive offers for the community. Phantom Wallet users have the chance to receive extra cards and even win an ultra Z-card. More details can be found here.

Phantom Props on Twitter